ITP Caloritech© | Security and Insulation for Yacht's motors
Many environments like yachting are incompatible with too much heat and must therefore be equipped with a professional Thermic insulation, in order to avoid excessive heat transfer which is detrimental to the operation of motors. We are experts in high-tech heat insulators installation for optimum yacht engine safety and insulation.
The company ITP Caloritech© is specialized in the prevention and the fight against the vibrations and the noises. The elimination and isolation of sound sources is one of ITP’s main activities. Our long experience in the field of research and acoustic analysis allows us to offer customized solutions.
The permanent influence of noise has adverse consequences for living and working conditions. This is why soundproofing and acoustic insulation make an essential contribution to all levels. To combat vibration and noise optimally, the problem must be managed at the source. We use innovative materials that provide maximum sound insulation.
The ITP Caloritech©‘s high-temperature treatment technologies allow for long-lasting repairs, thus eliminating the need for heavy repairs that immobilize your facility. Our team of qualified professionals is used to emergency response to repair your leaks as quickly as possible.
Une équipe de professionnels expérimentés L’entreprise a été fondée sur une équipe de professionnels formés depuis plus de 18 ans dans ses domaines d’intervention. Depuis 3 ans, ITP Caloritech© est intervenue dans tous les chantiers navals de la région PACA, pour la Marine Nationale, la DGA, en partenariat avec le groupe Endel, filiale du groupe GDF-SUEZ. La mobilité de nos équipes, nous permet d’intervenir sur toute la France et à l’étranger dans le cas de chantier spécifique sur la plaque-forme off-shore, par exemple.